There's a lovely little group of local residents (the Shops Pod) having fun chats over tea and cake whilst reflecting on the important role of the Beacon Lane Shops in the social history of the Heath and they're ready to invite you to join them in their celebrations.
What they've done so far .....
What they've done so far .....
They started meeting in early 2024, sharing memories and images from their own lives on the Heath. Some have strong family connections with the shops and discussion soon turned to life in the sixties and to the social changes the shops have seen in their time.
Joining with the previous Beacon Heath Squilometre team - the Mile Lane Pod
Then in April 2024 the Beacon Lane Shops Pod brought their reminiscence down to the Beacon Centre, to join an event arranged by the Mile Lane Pod, providing tea, cake, memories and chat for older residents.
In July 2024 the Shops Pod hosted their first mini-event on the Shops Terrace! Inspired by the changes that we all saw in the British menu within the lifetime of the shops the wonderful Pod created a "Taste and Share" event, inviting their neighbours to bring along examples of international dishes for all to share.
A lovely afternoon was spent in the company of around 45 local people, all chatting and sharing together for the first time.
A great success for the Pod! You can see more images and feedback here.
A lovely afternoon was spent in the company of around 45 local people, all chatting and sharing together for the first time.
A great success for the Pod! You can see more images and feedback here.
Visit to the Devon Heritage Centre - 18th July 2024
Then it was off to the Devon Heritage Centre to research the build date of the shops. The Pod were able to securely establish that the shops were first occupied in 1961 meaning that they were built in 1960/61. More than this it was clear that whilst the flats around were built first they were numbered leaving a gap where the shops would appear establishing the planning of the shops as an integral part of the estate. Great work!
All image rights reserved by the Devon Heritage Centre
Just get in touch below (or by email - [email protected])
if you'd like to know what's coming next or if you'd like to take a part in this ongoing project - all are welcome!